this weekend was fabulous.
on friday, i spent the night at my besties house up in salt lake.
and i've decided that i love the city.
something about 9th and 9th was incredible.
a cute hippie shop, gelatto, a yoga studio..all on the same street.
and a few blocks north; a cupcake shop.
ah yes.
it just has this small town vibe, with the big city feel.
everything is in walking distance, but trax are a few blocks north and there's the rest of salt lake. waiting to be explored.
what better way to explore a city when you both look totally adorbs?
the whole day had been rainy and we weren't sure if lagoon was going to be possible. so after costa vida, we called and they said it was still off we went.
on our way to lagoon we saw this..
"poor ched!! why did they hit him???
oh wait..they're married..oops.."
we got there like 3 minutes after they opened then realized it was because it was raining..
pre-rain. lookin good :)
oops i'm cute? i think yes.
look! rain!!
lagoon in the rain was amazing! no lines, front row parking and we went on every single ride. when we first got there we tried wiping the seats dry, but there came a point when you realized that your panties were soaked either way.
the only down fall was that the frightmare characters walking around remember you when there's less than 100 people in the whole park. they follow you and try to talk to you..and basically, in a clown or zombie apocalypse , britt and i would be screwed. we'll fight off rapists before we have to go near clowns.
after a few hours, we were exhausted. nothing sounded better then sweats and food. here is the aftermath
wet dogs much?
during lunch, jake texted britt and asked if she wanted to go over for dinner. she filled him in, and he was totally cool with me tagging along. so we got fed papa murphy's after a long day of playing in the rain.
but before we went to dinner, we hit up jess and josh's place. they're the ones we all went to powell with! i love them!:)
only thing is that i almost died..
they have a cat. mateo. he is ADORABLE. when we were downstairs, they had a pad laying out so britt and i collapsed. i was face down trying to get warm. when my eyes start nose starts stuffing..and my throat starts to close off..i inhaled cat hair..oops
i guess i'm a little more allergic then i figured.
15 minutes later, i had an itchy puffy eyeball, (just one) a stuffy nose, and a man voice.
good thing we were headed to dinner with another one of my ex's..
once we got there, it wasn't as bad as i thought i'd be.. i pulled off an "oops i'm cute and look like a wet dog" look..
jake is actually super nice now a days, really kinda funny, and smells good. and gave me medicine for my allergies. snaps for saving my life jakey! easton was there too. party hats and button ups all around!
after dinner, we watched V for Vendetta, and about 5 minutes in, i was out. i kept on zoning in and out throughout the entire movie..and then i was being poked in the face at 1:30.
yay for nice ex boyfriends who feed you:)
then when i got home, i went to starbucks with britt:) a different one:)
this britt i met when i was like 12. i was a beehive and she was a senior. and she was down for a wedding and we got together and just talked. i like her lots:) i remember thinking she was so cool. she was the cool senior -laurel on dance company at the high school. oh. my. heck.
and now she's the cute itty bitty married britt with a super duper tall hubby. and they are adorbs. (in pictures mostly. because that's all the stalking i do. but i'm positive they're adorbs in person too)
basically, this weekend was such a wonderful way start off a new week. yes, refreshed and ready to take on mid terms in a week.
i made peace with everyone on my "i wonder what it would be like if i ever saw them again" list. every single person.
1. tony
2. jake
3. easton
salt lake is fabulous.