Monday, October 29, 2012

5/30 things: happiest

1. perspective
when i get those glimpses of eternal perspective and i catch the hand of the Lord, life is great. although i don't always agree with the church and it's stances on certain things, it's nice to know that there is some plan for us. i can't believe that we call it quits when our bodies hit the grave. it gives me peace of mind, love, and happiness. but i do very strongly believe you can be happy without the church. everyone has their own way of making sense of this crazy, confusing, compelling world.
(check that alliteration out) 

the burning feeling in the back of your throat on a cold day, or when your calves are screaming as you trek up a hill are perfect for any bad day. 

3. people
i love being alone, but not ever lonely. the fact that i have a best friend who i can call or text at any given time and she acts like my own personal therapist is amazing. :)

4. pie
i. love. pie. chocolate silk from village inn makes me so happy. birthday pie over birthday cake any day

5. writing
my journal or blog have never talked back to me. they just take everything i dish out to them and it is superb. writing is the one place i can just say everything in my mind, and no one judges me. i just do what i want, say what i want, and make all the HP references that my heart wants to without being called "crazy" :) 

1 comment:

sweet nothings