Friday, October 19, 2012

that moment when..

ever since i was little, i always thought of UVU as the "loser college" 
at the time it was a junior college and not very cool. 
i remember saying "mom. i will go to BYU before UVU" 
and guess where i ended up..


i did a ton of credits in high school, but i didn't quite finish an associates degree. so instead of bargaining with the U, i decided that i would put off my dream school for a little and be smart. i'm at UVU finishing up an associates. i'm 28 credits short. so two more semesters after this one. honestly, its so hard being at the loser school. i love the fact that i'm done with class by one at the latest,  my classes are fairly easy and a few of the people i've been brave enough to talk to are nice. but i don't love it. i'm not having the time of my life. it honestly sucks a little bit. 

but that moment when it all starts falling together a lot better than you could have ever hoped for is amazing. 

i love my major. oh so very much. biology. a few years ago, i never would have imagined that i'd be a biology major. but i'm loving it. it's something that both me and my parents agree on. then i figured out what i want to minor in. exercise science and outdoor recreation. something that i honestly am interested in and i think it'll just be fun. 

the wonderful part of all this, is that when i transfer to the U in two semesters, it's all going to work out. the U has an amazing science program and it's not like my major and minor are too far off. they're close enough related that i think it'll be good. and i guess if i'm not married by the time i get my bachelors, i'll get my masters. 

basically, it's all coming together so much  nicer than i could have hoped for. i'm a little scared about what my future holds, but no good story ever began with "this one time at my parents house.." i am stoked. 

1 comment:

  1. Ali! Don't get your Masters "if I'm not married by the time I get my Bachelors." You can get married ~and get a graduate degree. Trust me. I know. :) Glad you're loving your major! Enjoy it all. School will be over before you know it. <3


sweet nothings