Monday, March 19, 2012

government and oreos

ladies and gents...
from my almost 4 years of high school, i've learn one thing..
awesome stories really. 
i didn't go to my required-for-graduation-and-keeping-my-full-ride government class for 3 weeks because picnics in the park and coffee sounded so much better...
and the term end this friday.
i have 7 make up papers to write, and a final to take on 3 weeks of U.S.  government that i missed.
but no fear!
6 of those 7 papers are done :) 
and it's tummy is grumbling..
so i went and found oreo's.. 
and now it's 2 in the morning...
i'm rocking out to country music (that i secretly love)
and having a panic attack because of my messy room...
oh yeah.
so once upon a time, i drank coffee...
and loved it...
i have a really bad caffeine addiction..
to the point where my running coach felt bad and let me go home from a workout because i looked like death without my coffee :( 
the word of wisdom is true!!
coffee's soo bad!!!:( but so good at the same time :( 
if anyone knows how to get rid of awful headaches let me know...:) 

i think i'll look homeless tomorrow...
it's only monday
but cute junior and soccer player and kryptonite are all in my classes tomorrow...
ugh, maybe i'll still look homeless...
everyone should get one homeless day a week :) 

paper number 7 isn't even half way done..
somehow the 26th amendment isn't too exciting at 1:43 am..

i want summer:( :( 

my room looks kinda like this...

panties in the corner

megan's sweater and skirts...

i think that after paper 7 gets done, i'll clean my room..then maybe go make breakfast...

or someone should come make me breakfast...

Monday, March 5, 2012

i'm 18. listen to me. or don't. whatever.

my name is ali sanchez, i'm a mormon and i'm pro-immigrant. 

since i am the big one eight, i can vote:) yay for the american dream right?
so like any other responsible teenager interested in the political future of our country, i'm getting informed.
and i came to a simple conclusion. 

i'm a conservative democrat. 

and i would move to canada if Mitt Romney ever got elected. 

immigration is a huge deal in our family. just because we were blessed enough to be able to come here legally doesn't mean that other people shouldn't get the same chances. 
in spanish class,we watched this movie about a girl who gets pregnant, and her baby daddy leaves her. so being the best mom she can possibly be, she decides that the only way she'll be able to provide for her and her son is for her to leave her little boy and cross the border and make a living here and send money back to her little boy living with his grandma. 
then we watched another documentary on little kids who catch trains,and travel by themselves and try to make it into the states. one little girl they highlighted was from Honduras. all her family was in new york and she decided that it was her turn to cross. but she got caught on the border and was forced back. 
families are getting torn apart for the sake of trying to provide a better future for their kids. it's not like these people risk everything they have to come and live here for free. 
i honestly think that if an illegal immigrant comes here, works, pays taxes, tries to be a positive member of society, wants to help their kids get higher education, and follow the laws, there should be some way of helping them become legal. 
however, if they come here and abuse the system and get into trouble, then they don't deserve to be here. 

in the LDS church, we are all about helping others. 
then why is this man, who is an avid member of the LDS church wanting to kick all the hundreds of thousands of people who only came here to better their lives out?? 
it seems a little ridiculous and "unchirst like" if you ask me. 

on a monetary perspective, spending so much money on building a fence across the southern border is absoultly the worst way to spend our money. the northern border is twice as long with only 1% of the entire thing secured. where did the terrorists that caused 9/11 come in through?? 
the canadian border. 
also, things like the DREAM act, deserve to be passed. it's not fair to jeopardize kids who were brought here BY THEIR parents. this is just as much their country as anyone else's.  if they want to further their education, they should be allowed to do so.
coming from a family who clearly had someone immigrate, education is stressed like non-other. if i wasn't allowed to continue my education because something my parent's did to better my life, i would be crushed. 

Mitt Romney is a selfish douche. 
the end. 

sweet nothings