Monday, April 11, 2011

mission boys

yesterday was fast sunday. easliy the worst sunday all month.
it gives me headaches. literally.
other then that, it's awesome:)
lessons usually are really good that day. i'm not sure if it's because i'm food deprived or whatever, the point is that they're awesome.
and today was no exception.
missionary work. :)
simply one of the best topics in the church, i think.
me and my parents are converts so it's near and dear:)
it's really werid tho to think about it. if two 19 year old guys didn't decied that it was crucial that they served the Lord, i wouldn't be here..
well, i'd be here.. just prolly not in utah, or blogging, or be..well.. me!
i prolly wouldn't be a member, or be sealed to my family forever and ever.
i'm certain that i would have screwed up a lot worse then i have, and
i'm positive that i'd be in a real tough place.
mostly becasue it seems that i get myself into really sticky situations here, and i have the gosple in my life. it always tends to work out.
i'm CERTAIN that without the constant guidance of the Lord, i'd be screwed.
i couldn't imagine life without knowing the plan of salvation is true.
or knowing that once  i find my lover, i can be with him forever and ever:)
just those little things..
so i decided, officially, no matter what (again), 
i'm gonna get married to a return missionary who's gonna take me through the temple.
in my life plan, there isn't anywhere where i can take 18 months from to serve..
i really wanna get married and have a career before then.
but after the lesson today, i'm not sure anymore.
serving a mission would be incredible. introducing people to the fullness of the gosple.
like they'll finally know. know what life's all about and KNOW that no matter what, they're never ever alone. there's someone looking who's so powerful, who's so amazing, so perfect, looking out for us. And he knows us. indiviually. like woah man.
and lets be honest, things never ever go as planned:)
come what may, and love it. right?
the reason i posted about this, wasn't just because i needed a post. haha although that usually tends to be the case. but this time, it's not.
i was really tempted not to go to church this sunday. none of my family went, so i didn't wanna go alone.
but then i decided i was gonna go. it's gettin close till i'm done with young womans and i'm not missing out AT ALL if possible:) good thing too. cause i would've missed out on such an amazing lesson that was much needed. it TOTALLY was one of those lessons when you swear they were talking directly to me.
being in young womans has helped me so so SO much. it's not even funny. thanks to matt parks.. matt's a neighbor who moved into our old apartments and quickly became a good family friend. so being the life long missionary that he is,:) he contacted the yw leaders and they came and my parents shipped me off to camp a week later.
AND this year:) it's my yittle sisters turn:)
she's turns 12 in june,so she can gooo:) i'm excited to see what it's like for her:)
DAY 14: a letter to someone who's hurt you recently...

can't say that i have one for him.. not really worth the time to sit down and actually write one for:) 

Friday, April 8, 2011


so i'm officially not going to dixie,
not getting the jacket,
not sitting in front for panoramic’s,
not doing anything that i really wanted next year
because i'm a loser.
that's right. i lost. hence, making me a loser.
elections were today. and the position i wanted was multicultural rep. defines "multicultural" as :of, pertaining to, or representing several different cultures or cultural elements.
it was an appointed position. all on the interview. and i thought i  did pretty well.
and i really wanted to make it. not just because of all the reasons i already mentioned, but because i think i could have done a really good job. to me, the rep should be someone who's friends with a lot of different people. not JUST the Hispanic kids who make up a large part of the minorities.
any who, and i think i'm friends with a lot of different people. i think i could have encouraged a lot of different types of people to go and do something they've never tried. but nope.
not this time..
we all got called down to the student council room to find out who made it.. they did all the jr.class first. then the reps.. and right before they got to multicultural they said "this was the hardest decision we had to make. all the people running were extremely well qualified."
then a name came out of his mouth.. and it wasn't mine..
Mimi Landeros..
not ali sanchez.
i was devastated. pretty sure i still am.
Mimi is gonna do amazing next year. She is one of the sweetest girls i know and i'm really happy she won. if it wasn't me, at least it was her:)
but regardless, i still wanted to win. really badly. so badly, i cried...
and luckily, i had a ton of friends there who were by my side giving me hugs and tellin me how much they loved me. and understood how i was feeling.
but of course there is always someone who has to make the situation that much worse.
she came up to me, while i was crying, and was like what's wrong??? are you okay???
obviously i am.. i just really like to cry at school to make people feel bad for me... NOT.
then she proceeded to ask who won.. i said her name, and she walked away.
then i cried pathetically into my locker, and swarga, a girl who i've never really talked to on the track team, came up to me and asked if i was okay with the sweetest smile on her face. i could tell she was being completely sincere:) yay for nice people in high school
then after multiple hugs from multiple people and multiple crying fits, i left the school with my two best friends.
then i got a text from another so called "best friend" and she asked how i was doing.. so i honestly answered. i was pissed. and she asked why?
so i told her.
good thing the next few texts were about how she thought mimi was the best candidate for the position. and what not.
pretty much exactly the opposite of what i wanted to hear.
nice to know you didn't want me to win.. nice to know you think i'm fake.. and can't handle the truth. nice to know..
pretty much i don't need caddy girls in my life totally bashing me thirty minutes after they saw me break down.
completely random kids who i've never held an actual conversation with gave me hugs and asked me  if i was okay, and one of my best friends totally rips on me? yea. see ya.
i don't need negative people like you.
peace out girl scout.
in medicine, a clean break is always the best way to go.
it heals much faster and is a lot less painful for the recipient of the break.
and after losing two MAJOR things this week, and it being spring break,
i feel like it's my clean break.
i don't see jake for the next who knows how long..
and i don't see anyone who i don't wanna see for at least the next 9 days.
clean break.
now, i intend to lead my pathetic-ness to a movie marathon with me, myself and i.
clean break.
cry for few more hours. get it all out of my system, because the mvhs student body has seem me cry twice in one week...
clean break...
now there's nothing left to worry about.. no stud. co,... no boyfriend...:( no um.. well.. nothing...
DAY 13: why blog?
i blog simply becasue i can't write as fast as i can type. it's my online journal. and this way i can say whatever i feel like and no one has the right to be offended because it's my journal, and no one has to read it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

hello! my name is uhh..

student council rep interviews were today.
i signed up for 12:40.
i intended to mentally prepare all day, and totally rock it when 12:40 rolled around.
um i guess the world had a different plan for me.
i got called down in the middle of first to the office. like the legit main office.
i had no idea why the heck i was there. i was so scared!
then mr enriquez came out and was like hey! you ready???
he said it like i should have already known why i was there..  but i didn't...
it didn't hit me that i was in the interview that would decide how a large portion of my senior year would be spent, until i walked in.
there was a huge conference table with the nice leather chairs all over. and on one side was Mr. Enriquez, Mr. Fieldstead and Jess Rodrigez.
my name is... uhmm.... ali sanchez...
yeah, luckily, it didn't go like that.
i was caught totally off guard.
so i just went for it.
i think they might think i'm crazy. cause i was smiling and moving the entire time.
 i think they might think i'm ADHD.
but i think i did pretty good. now all there is left to do is wait till 2:00 pm mountain standerd time and see what was decided.
longest day of my life, here i come!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

fortune cookies...

so about a month ago, i went out to dinner with the fam bam
and i got the weirdes fortune in my cookie.
and for some strange reason, i decided to keep it.
and it went a little like this...
"good things are coming to you in a month.."
i thought i'd calandar this and see if it was true.
today is that day:)
and with the way the day started, i was POSITIVE that there was no way my day could turn around.
pretty much, after SEVEN weeks of a high school relationship, it came to a screeching end.
high school isn't ment for relationships. at all. and i've come to learn that. through the trail and error process..
crying in class isn't worth it.
getting a text like "um..ok. we can break up"  isn't worth it.
not being able to flirt around, isn't worth it.
all th drama involved IS NOT WORTH IT.
it was a fun run:) no regrets. but high school isn't ment for relationships.. at all. and i think i've learned my lesson.
boys have cooties.
something amazing did come from all this.
i have the best friends any high school girl could ever ask for.
like ever.
first off, after first, and the first half of my melt down, kennedy storey came up the stairs and just gave me a hug.
then asked if i was okay. then it started all over again.
ha but then we had the best conversation over text.
and she is simply amazing.
then twinnies came up and it only got worse. but then once i really was in control, we went out for coffee and not coffee:) and life was awesome. i love those two.
janet and emmy are ballers. we all went and wrote prayers and it was just fun to know that no matter what happenes, they're gonna be there and we'll have fun doing the most random stuff ever.
if someone can tell something's wrong from like 3 texts, yeah. they're keepers. kelsey carlson, you are the bestest. PS. we have to go to seminary tomorrow.. i promised Jesse we would...:)
anna free, karri mcintire, laurrrey edholm, coach c and everyone else who made it possible for me to get through today, thanks:) i love you all and i'm truly blessed to have you all in my life.
i guess fortune cookies really know what they're talking about!
today was good:)
Day 12: another picture of you and your friends
best team right here.

sweet nothings