Saturday, August 27, 2011

"shut up. I'm a senior."

And the first week of senior year comes to an end, and i 
CAN  NOT say how much i already LOVE it :) 
SO much fun. 
so get this, ever since i was a freshman, i've had tons of honors and AP classes. I had those days when you wanted to poke your eye balls out with your fingers so often, that it became my new norm. 
heck, i even went to an accelerated science semester at UVU right before my junior year. 
and all thanks to this, i have a nice 15 credits on top of my already almost done 28 that are required for graduation. 
pretty much, if i really wanted to, i could've graduated last year. BUUUT i chose not to. so i left a few vitals for this year. 
Humanities is amazing. LOVE it. why did i not take it sooner??
Photo. Um. joke. thank you art credits. 
Seminary. Yes well, love it already:) 
Latinos in Action: joke. medal at graduation? yes. tons of service hours? yes. 
Computer tech. concurrent enrollment:) AND required for graduation
Financial Lit: quite eye opening already. AND required
Med English: gotta love coaches being teachers too. 
Cross Country: yes. well. yes. 
granted i don't have a free period, but with classes THIS easy, why the heck would i need one???
I'm so glad i busted my butt for the past 3 years. Now i seriously have art credits and 3 required classes all year. and i get to do whatever the heck i want:) 
yay for being a senior. 
late nights? 
no more:) 
math classes?
yeah right. thank you accuplacer. 
 being able to say "shut up. i'm a senior?" 
so worth it. 
while all my friends are struggling with millions of text books, i literally only have one. 
my med english one. 
love it. 
love it all. 
so much fun:) :) :) 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

last few days of bliss...

ladies and gents.
this is the LAST summer that i, ali sanchez, will ever spend being underage
"with great power (being not 17:))  comes great responsibility(life:P) ."
this spring break, i plan on driving to

with these crazy ladies
BECAUSE by then i will be 18:) 
and by then, i will have already applied to the following schools
1. the U
2. Boston U
3. BYU-Idaho
4. BYU-Hawaii
5. BYU-Provo
for someone who's so against going to the Y, i sure am spending a lot of time, effort, and money to get in. 
but this is why. 
this right here is my dream car. 
cherry red sport wrangler.
removable doors and
topless for the summer sun:)
and this is my current ride..
only in green.
petunia has lived a very full life, she is nearing the end of it though. :(
so i need a new(er) car.
guess who offered to buy me a new(er) jeep sport wrangler IF i went to BYU????
these folks.
don't be fooled by their smiles and "i want what's best speech" people.
it's not true. they are out to get me. as simple as that. 
so i've given this much thought.
i'll go to the Y for a semester, get my jeep and then transfer to the U:) 
nope. i have to GRADUATE from the Y :P
they never ever specified WHICH byu...:)
hawaii here i come???:) 

i still have my little heart set on going to the U:(

obviously, my parents hate me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

best-facebook-taekwondo-road-tripping friends for ever and ever

once upon a time there was a little girl who got beat up in kindergarten. 
her daddy took immediate action and put her into club taekwondo lessons. 
he put her in lessons without any intentions of taking her out any time soon. 
years and years AND years after, this little girl, named ali, started to love it and be somewhat good. 
eventually, thanks to some crazy man who was determined to ruin her life, 
ali had to leave her first tkd studio and venture to find a new one. 
she ended up with these two ladies..

(no joke, that's really her...
no.. really.) 
eventually, one of them screwed us over.. and i had to yet, again, move studios. 
this time with a team.
when i showed up to this new place, i noticed this chick at the front of the line..(my spot usually) and i automatically did not like her. not one bit. 
the feeling was mutual tho. 
as soon as i walked into the back room, i gave my coach a glare that could kill. 
i hated him for making me move here. 
i hated that i had to now fight for my new spot.
and after our first class, 
i hated that she was in front of me cause she was older.
i hated her because her forms were BEAUTIFUL and our teacher commented on it. 
every 3 seconds.
i hated her.
and she hated me.
before too long,
we became besties :)
take  a look...
we have issues..

we took on vegas:) 

and haunted houses 


"anything can get done with big boobs."


color fest:) 

besties kick each other in the face before homecoming.
not a big deal
and now, she's leaving for the U!!! AHHH
basically, we're awesome ninja's who have an addiction to coffee.
go us:)
oh and britt, if you come home and we don't get together. i will kill you:) 

Monday, August 15, 2011


in the morning, everyone will be posting about how the thunder storm didn't let them sleep. 
or how about how much they love rain. 
 i on the other hand, will be blogging about how much i love utah and it's crazy weather:) 
i love how the past two nights, it's rained. 

the days are still hot as heck. 
although, looking outside my window scares the heck out of me, i simply adore it. 
so so so much:)
i'm here. in my room, listening to the best playlist ever complied in the history of man (actually more like the history of my life.. same thing really.), with thunder and rain in the back ground. 
one day, i WILL have one of these moments. mark my words folks 
Meeting in the Rain - Bratislava, Bratislavsky
except for this picture was taken in slovakia...
those slovakian boys aren't as cool as they sound...HA. but really. 
although, the city is gorgeous..
but yes. before i trail off too much, i'm calling it quits:) 
BBUUUUT i found out today that someone else reads my blog:) and that makes me SO happy:) yay for blog readers:) 
random thought of the night:
they should really have a BYU spain...or somewhere in europe:) 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

quick little catch up..:)

so obviously, i didn't meet my summer goal of blogging every day. 
BUT as of now, i will TRY to blog consistently
so last time i wrote, was BEFORE girls camp.. that was quite a while ago. and honestly, i didn't expect much out of it. i really didn't wanna go back. it was the first year that i felt more "meh." then "YAY CAMP!!!"  although, it was my little sister's first year, and my last so i figured, it'd be one heck of a way to end my girls camp career 

it ended up being one of the most amazing years ever. and i even went running at camp:) 
right after camp, i went to park city with my best friends. Ellie and Karli Thornley. 
it was a partay. 
we did a lot of walking, a lot of driving and iron chef-ing all in one weekend because...

that monday, i left to cross country camp!!!:) 
and it looked a little like this...

i came home, and hit up california:)
first was tkd camp.. where we trained non stop. then my fam bam met me down there and we played southern california for a while..:) 

THEN! we had time trials for cross country. 
i made top ten:) 
spandexxxxxx;) :) :) YES!
they look more like this only red and white:) 
as opposed to these diaper insta ride up wedge ones... that we had last year
thennnn last night, i ran a midnight 5k with my besties: )
but for the mean time, those are all the pictures i have
to be continued:) 

sweet nothings