Sunday, June 12, 2011

the fest of summer

the one weekend all summer that everyone swarms to the park to play:) 
and of course, we had to get our summerfest on.
the first day we went, we went on two rides and about died. 
buut it was really fun:) 
then we decided that we would look around cause maybe if we kept moving, we'd feel less sick?
yeah. no. we're officially babies. 
there was this one really cool stand that was selling frogs. 
FROGS!!!! AH! soo cool. 
you had to give the little boy a dollar, and he'd give you 3 balls. you had to stand behind the line and make it into one of 9 cans. if you made it, you got a frog. or if you spent 3 dollars you got a frog. 
so ellie, of course got all excited and went over. 
BUT! before we came over to the park, ruby let us do her hairs and make up:) she looked so pretty! i'm officially awesome at flat ironing hair:) 
so when we got to the frog stand, the little boy gave us 3 balls, then looked at ruby, smiled, and gave us a 4th. and when we looked at him like uhh..? the sign says 3..? are we gonna have to pay more?? he just smiled, and looked down and said, "it's for her.." 
and that just about melted our hearts:) oh puppy love:) 
i'm positive that ruby thought he was cuteeee:)
12 balls later, no one made it in. we obviously have no future in basketball. oh well. we still got frogs. two as a matter of fact. 
yay for bert and ernie:) the frogs. 
here is ruby, looking all cute and stuff :) 
then day two rolled around and this time, we were really gonna get our summerfest on. 
with tanner:) tanner is ellies la la..
so it was us four against summer fest. 
we ended up at the car show. and it was actually really cool. we found this one green car. like eco friendly. and the only thing that was different about it, was the spark plugs. and with just changing that, you get better gas mileage and a cool sticker:) and who doesn't want better gas mileage????!?! 

we found this one stand that did glitter tattoos:) 
so we made tanner get a glitter tattoo and said happiness in Chinese:) 
then we had to leave cause i had a wedding to go to. 
so i got home and threw some clothes together and went with ma besite, britt, to Stephanie's wedding. 
Steph has a twin, Michelle. us 3 were BEST friends since we were little. like i almost did ballroom because they were really intense dancers. and my mom and there mom were friends. 
like we had sleepovers every conference weekend and they were always the first ones to show up and the last ones to leave all my birthday parties. like we were tight. but then something went down with our mammas and we just weren't that close anymore. now it's more like we're sorta friends but not..
but i still thought it'd be nice if we went to the wedding. 
so we did. 
it's so crazy to think about how many girls my age that have babies on the way, and are tying the knot with some other boy..uhmm, yeah. my longest relationship was almost two months. 7 weeks to be exact. and that was soooo long. in a good way.. for the most part. ha. but to think that there are girls MY AGE getting married for forever, is simply absurd. but if they can make it work, props to them:) 
so we show up at the church and there's the line up. 
momma, steph, sam, and all his groomsmen... most awkward thing of my life. we pretty much said congrats, hugged her, shook hands with a dozen strangers, dropped off our present, and peaced out. 
our next destination was the parade. because we were in it:) 
tara, our main instructor, is out of town. so val was all on her own. the look in her face was heartbreaking. she taught lessons every day, all day, did everything imaginable, and ran the parade. so i asked her if she needed help with anything, and she looked at me with these huge eyes of relief, and asked if i would help with the parade. so i said yes:) then i told britt, and she asked if she could help, so we did:) 
we got to run the ENTIRE parade, and hand out fliers and frisbies. oh the things grown men will do for frisbies. pretty much, i got mauled by little kids, and lost my voice from screaming "ANYONE WANNA FRISBE??? YOU GOTTA SHOW ME YOUR BEST TAEKWONDO MOVE!!!!!" all day. then by the time i gave them out, the truck was a good 200 feet away, so i was booking it back and forth. all day. did i mention that i was wearing a BLACK tee shirt??
it was really kinda fun tho:) the looks some people gave me were really priceless. i had my hairs all curled and my black belt. little girls would look at me like "oh my goodness. she has a black belt and she's a girl.." others gave me the "oh wow. they hand those things out now a days?" then i would kick or something then they'd just smile sheepishly. oh i love my life sometimes:) 
of course we ended the day with fireworks:) 
we were in line for a ride tho. and the guy was a total jerk. we seriously stood in line for like an hour and didn't even get on. he kept on letting randoms get in from random places in line. it was SO annoying. but austin and shawn were there and kept us pretty entertained. i miss austin:) and shawn is a pretty cool kid actually. 
twins and i ended the day off with a sleepover:) too bad i'm allergic to cats since like TWO days ago??? what is this??? retarded stuff. i love sleepovers. they remind me of the good old days when nothing really matters.
then today was my little sister's first day in young womans:) awwww. she's getting soo old!!!!!
it was really funny when they asked her to say something about herself, it went something along the lines of "uhm... i like shopping.... and playing the wii...." in the most elle woods voice i've ever heard my sister talk in..
but yes. this weekend has been a blast:) 
oh! did i mention the date i went on? yeah. who knew that making play dough, playing in fountains, and milkshakes would be way fun:) andrew thomas, you're awesome:) 
and now, i'm prolly gonna regret this loooong post, because CROSS COUNTRY STARTS AT 7:30!!! TODAY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH:) 
i love me some distance running:)  

Friday, June 10, 2011

the art of getting by

sundance film festival:) 
urban new york. 
academic probation. 
artistic mind that can't stick to classic cookie cutter schooling. 
"you're really weird. we should hang out." 
rule number one about cutting school: it's fun
moms giving awkward dating advice 
and the classic "i've seen the way he looks at you..."
boy: he told me he'd leave it alone. 
girl: you told him we weren't together. what did you want to say?
"what are you gonna do about graduation??" 
"oh, they can mail it to me." 
freddie highmore. emma roberts. 
this has potential to be just as adorable as the notebok
ooo with what sounds like an AMAZING soundtrack
AHHH. i'm SO excited

i. am. me. :)

so deep conversations take place on facebook at one o'clock in the morning.
and they usually happen to be with my best friends. 
this one just happened to be about just accepting who you are and life. 
and for some reason, 26 minutes later, and i can't get it outta my head.
so it shall be blogged about :)
i. am. me..
and i can't change that.. i'm 5'5 and a half. i will prolly never reach 5'6 without the help of shoes. 
i will prolly never get my splits. 
and prolly will trip on my wedding day :) 
and i'm okay with that. 
i'm fine with the fact that i can't walk in heels without looking like a drunk person, 
and that i still love disney channel..
and that no matter how hard i try, i can't quit taekwondo. 
addicted much? i'd say yes. 
even though accepting who you are and where you are, i don't think it means that you have to settle in any way.. 
it's just a matter of taking control of the things that you can, and letting go those that you can't.
i can control my GPA, not what schools' accept me. 
i can control my attitude about EVERYTHING, not others reactions. 
i can't control other's actions..
and people aren't play dough. you can't mold them into who you want them to be. 
for so long, i've been trying to play "perfect daughter" 
yea. no. as much as my mommy would love it if i wore make up, walked in heels, did my hairs more often, and had my nails done all the time, 
that is not meh. 
me loves running shorts, flip flops, and mascara. and my nails are almost always chipped:) 
but my momma still loves me:) 
so new conclusion of the day? 
i like who i am, and i'll control what i can, and let go of the things i can't. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

what day is it..?

ladies and gents, 
oh. em. gee. 
for the past week, it's been filled of tennis, hiking, running, best friends, taekwondo, summer concerts and there's more to come:) 
our first day started off with  lake pictures:) 
we love each other!

THEN we ventured to downtown provo to continue our picture taking adventure:) 

THEN the next day, we went to graduation!:) 

then the day after, we went to BIFFY CLYRO!!!
yay for sweedish bands who know ones knows about!!:) it was at the avalon and that's all the way in murray.. 
guess who drove:) 

 then days later, we decided that hiking was next on our adventure list this summer.. 
so we took on the Y... 

 yeah. too bad, it kicked our trash.. stupid y...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

summer 2011 begins:)

oh. my. heck. 
we are seniors  baby:)
there is NO better way to kick off summer then spending the first official day with your best friends:) 
we ran all over town taking pictures and doing whatever. and pretty much, best way to kick off summer:)
and tomorrow, we are gonna hit up biffy clyro:) 
avalon theater here we come. 
senior year, WE'RE HERE:) 
is there any way better to start summer then a picture day, 
graduation and biffy clyro, then 
little kid birthday party, thennnnnn 
summer fest and all the adventures that are to come from them:) 
oh my goodness. i can just FEEL it. this summer is going to be simply AMAZING:) 
today, one of my bestest friends graduated:) 
britt brinkerhoff. longest graduation ceremony of my life. but it was sooo cool to see her officially finish high school:) we've been through TONS together and pretty much i love herr:) congrats brit:) 
but when we left, it was kinda really awkward. cause when we were walking around the marriot center, looking for my car, we saw the infamous trio that i had been hoping to avoid. and of course ellie dear SCREAMED my name as loud as she could. but i don't think they noticed:) thank goodness. so i just looked away and walked as fast as i could without looking dumb. but who knows, i prolly looked so DUMB. good thing that the trio ALSO graduated and will be headed off to college where i no longer have to worry about ellie screaming:) 
but today has been soo much fun. 
summer 2011 is gonna be AMAZINGGGG :) 

sweet nothings