Thursday, January 24, 2013


fe: iron
male: man.
i am a female, therefore, i am ironman.
but guys. i'm not even kidding. 
i'm like really strong and stuff. 
i leg press 90 pounds, and i can run a mile in 6:30 on a good day. 
i can even break windows. 
but really.
i came home from the gym yesterday and the heater was left on in my room so it was blazing hot. i figured i'd crack the window and let it cool off real quick but when i tried, my window was stuck. and it ALWAYS gets stuck. even in the middle of the summer. so i figured i'd push harder. and harder. then i figured "oh if i stand at an angle, and push with all my body weight, it'll open" so i did..

i pushed all right. right through the first window pane. 
when my sister heard the crack, she came running in and i was holding a really nicely filleted thumb and a few splinters in my hand. i ran into the bathroom because blood was running down my arm and i didn't wanna get any on the carpet. so i went and washed it off and picked the very obvious splinters out. blood still gushing, i had a wad of toilet paper and it got all gross. so i rewashed it and came back to look at the damage. and that was the scary part of it all! the broken window..i mean you hear of people breaking doors all the time but WINDOWS??? you don't hear bout them stories much...
but thank goodness my parents were more worried about my sliced hand than my window. here's to a freezing rest of winter. anyone who wants to come bring me extra blankets is more than welcome to. oh, pie donations are appreciated too. 

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sweet nothings