Sunday, May 29, 2011

so close i can taste summer

summer is seriously 4 school days away.
and not even 4 FULL school days.
two more finals and i'm kissin junior year good bye:)
i couldnot be MORE excited:)
summer is long over due.
i've made a few goals this summer, and hopefully, i'll get all of them done.
1. wear my hair naturally at least twice a week
2. go to cross country EVERYDAY
3. wake up at 7:10 every morning to eat breakfast for cross
4. read my scripts every night
5. save monaaay
6. not worry about things i can't control
7. go to mutual every wednesday
8. work my butt off at xc and tkd
9. do an ab workout twice a week
10. go a month without candy
11. take TONS of pictures:)
12. run 2 5k's on my own
13. make varsity xc or top 3 jv
14. run every saturday morning

just the same old same old:)

it's so crazy to think that in october, i'm going to be applying to COLLEGES
i'm going to be looking for HOUSING
and everything else that comes along with college.
senior year:)
i cannot wait.
cross country.
my scedule is almost perfect:)
and i'm a seniorrrr:)
there is nothing in my short 17 years that beats this.
so far:)
but as much as my insides are CRAVING summer, mother nature has some other plans for utah.
like wind.
and not sun.
days like these, rainy sundays, sometimes make me wish i had a significant other of the opposite gender to go on walks with.. or to go to the coffee shop on the corner with, or maybe just come over and chill.
k. wow. that was almost pathetic.
but when all the movies we watch, and books we read, are about guys willing to jump off bridges for their girls, willing to give up all their closest friends for, how are we not supposed to fall for it. the slightest chance that a relationship like that could happen...
but things like that don't happen in happy valley.
the name is rather deciving, as a matter of fact.
here, you have jell-o crazed-releif society moms, uptight seminary kids, bishops who freak becuase you don't have a job, and narrow-minded weirdos.
in salt lake now, you have the temple:), TONS of different people, blue lemmon:), the gate way, and the U, and the arts festival, warped tour, need i go on? i'm sure notebook stories go on there. :) and that is where i inted to spend my college life:) 
but for the time being, i'll try to make the best of this same old same old life that i've been im for the past 13 years.. 


  1. Senior year is the very best. Even when/if there's drama.... It's so much fun :)

  2. ahhh i can NOT wait:) i still remember going to YOUR senior showcase thing for company FOREVER ago:)


sweet nothings