life is full of overrated ish.
well, maybe just mine.
like prom. yeah. i got asked. and yeah. i said no. again. hmm. year two. no big. i only missed out on my junior prom. but seriously.
no big.
while most girls were worried about hair, nails, make up, dresses, shoes, bras and what not, i had the best unprom with anna banana :)
we had some serious bucket list check offs that needed to be done:)
best 8 bucks i've spent thus far in my 17 short years of life.
instead of spending 430.00 on the most amazing prom dress, i spend 8.75 on plain black grandma shoes and turned them into one of a kind shoes :)
another one of those overrated things.
this. this right here, is rather upsetting. what makes this worse, is that before, 20 bucks used to fill up nameless, (nameless in the name of my soccer mom elantra. we couldn't think of anything better :( ) but nameless now only gets half full. :(
i drive a lot.
to school. to my sister's school. to practice in lindon. to my sissy's dance place. and wherever my parents need me. and even though, nameless gets somewhat decent gas milage, i think that soon, i'm trading in the keys for a new pair of running shoes....
yeah. right. :)
yes. people. they are simply overrated a lot of the time. it kinda feels like high school is all about the people you know. and it's not like i wanna sound bitter or anything, cause, for the record, i'm not. i'm very happy with the people in my life, promise. BUT bleh. i guess it's just one of those weeks when the very thought of certain people just makes me wanna crawl in a hole. it very obviously is the end of school. by now, i've had my dose of several people. summer cannot come any sooner. :P
but then there are some people who i can do whatever with, and even when i'm sick of the rest of the world, they always pick up what i'm throwing down. metaphorically of course. i don't go around having tantrums..
give us dollar tree, cheesy smiles, and funny hats and life is good for the next 3 hours at least :)

yeah. these losers are overrated too. last year, i applied to summer college with no intentions of getting in. and surprise surprise i got in. and i did really well in both my science classes. the science program was the last to declare it's kids cause so many applied. and doing as well as i did, i expected to be a returning student this summer. i mean the upperclassmen always get first dibs.
and that's me.
i did awesome last year.
and i'm a concurrent enrollment student.
and i'd be returning.
i was almost positive that i'd be in.
guess who didn't get in.
oh ya.
it takes a special kind of retard to get rejected by an OPEN ADMISSIONS school.
hah me.
screw you UVU. the U is SOOO much better. so is BYU. and OREGON. and BOSTON. AND UCLA. and NYU.
screw youuuu.
what's funny is that the USTA (united states taekwondo association) chairman, emailed me to congratulate me on qualifying for nationals and expects to see a good fight in san jose. (that's where nats are this year) the USTA likes me better then some local open admissions school... that just barely got a track.. and doesn't have a football team. losers.

track.. um yeah. it's borderline overrated.
i mean, running in ovals for 8 laps at a time. ya. not fun. running? a blast:) speed workouts every other day? nope... mental exhaustion? yeah. we're best friends. it's almost to the point when i dread the end of the day. cause i know a speed workout is waiting for me. i miss cross sooo bad:(
this is where everything just gets solved:) and it's just you and the course.
oh yeah. and here:) i feel awkwardly at home here...:)
now, i must face the pile of english homework that i've been avoiding. yes... what's tying me over is the following
1. region is in 3 weeks. only three more weeks before cross training starts
2. summer is in 4 weeks and counting
3. the best summer of my life is about to begin
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