i feel like pinterest is FULL of quotes like "you don't chose who you love" blah blah blah. and i couldn't agree more. but no where in these pages upon pages do you find "except if you're gay. because if you're gay, you chose to love them and now we're denying you of all the rights married people get. because there is something wrong with you and you don't deserve them." at least i haven'f found anything like that..
it's kinda funny to think about. the pilgrims came here for religious freedom. is there a billboard somewhere that says "WELCOME to America! home of the free and Christians "? why are we forcing christian views on people who don't want them? so much for religious freedom?
what in the world made us think this was okay? kim kardashian can get married and call it quits for 72 DAYS and that's okay but gays who've been in love for YEARS can't?
America is all about the freedoms we have. then why are we denying them to people because of who they love? that's not equality. if you're against the gays getting married then fine. no one is forcing YOU to do it. but get your nose out of other people's happiness. if marriage can be a "civil ceremony" then it sure as hell better be a "civil RIGHT" and anyone who thinks it's okay to discriminate against people over something they can't control, is an ignorant douche.