Tuesday, December 11, 2012

the end is in sight

one presentation, 6 page research paper, 4 page hand-written reflection and one math final later.. the end is in sight. 
i have a 100 question biology final and then a quick presentation in front of 50 eighth graders. no biggie. 
i am freaking out about my biology final though. i need to ace this. i usually get biology so well, and this semester has been hell. 
i've been scoring low on all my tests..and i basically failed my last one. 
i just need to do decently on this final and i think i'll be okay. 
in high school getting a C was devastating.. in college, it's almost a relief just knowing you passed the class. 
today i got the email i was waiting for though. 
i got into my American Nat Gov class!!
now i'm signed up for 15 credits and ALL of them count towards getting to the U and i'm actually super excited about next semester. 
i feel like noticing that email just now was a good sign from the heavens. everything will be okay as long as i put in my hours. god will provide:)
i've come to a conclusion, it's not gonna make any difference if i have an amazing math teacher if i don't put in the extra time myself. so this semester, i'm gonna rock my math class. i'm gonna go to math lab, not slack on my homework when the semester is almost over, not miss class, take advantage of office hours and skype taylor when i need him. mostly so i don't keep taylor up into the late hours of the night explaining inequalities and quadratic formula. even though it is pretty grand to have my very own personal tutor who just happens to be the sweetest guy around:) 
lets get on the dean's list shall we?

to do list:
1. wake up early 
2. get ready 
3. be at kelsey's by 7
4. be on time to bio final 
5. act bio final
6. present for lakeridge kids
7. come home and take my "i made it through my first finals week" nap
8. wash my work jeans
9. go to work
10. find someone to take my saturday shift 
11. love life

clearly my morals are too high..
only joking:)

nuhh uhhh gurrl freeeind

i should get paid to pin

they lied. every. single. one. of. them. 

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sweet nothings