Saturday, August 27, 2011

"shut up. I'm a senior."

And the first week of senior year comes to an end, and i 
CAN  NOT say how much i already LOVE it :) 
SO much fun. 
so get this, ever since i was a freshman, i've had tons of honors and AP classes. I had those days when you wanted to poke your eye balls out with your fingers so often, that it became my new norm. 
heck, i even went to an accelerated science semester at UVU right before my junior year. 
and all thanks to this, i have a nice 15 credits on top of my already almost done 28 that are required for graduation. 
pretty much, if i really wanted to, i could've graduated last year. BUUUT i chose not to. so i left a few vitals for this year. 
Humanities is amazing. LOVE it. why did i not take it sooner??
Photo. Um. joke. thank you art credits. 
Seminary. Yes well, love it already:) 
Latinos in Action: joke. medal at graduation? yes. tons of service hours? yes. 
Computer tech. concurrent enrollment:) AND required for graduation
Financial Lit: quite eye opening already. AND required
Med English: gotta love coaches being teachers too. 
Cross Country: yes. well. yes. 
granted i don't have a free period, but with classes THIS easy, why the heck would i need one???
I'm so glad i busted my butt for the past 3 years. Now i seriously have art credits and 3 required classes all year. and i get to do whatever the heck i want:) 
yay for being a senior. 
late nights? 
no more:) 
math classes?
yeah right. thank you accuplacer. 
 being able to say "shut up. i'm a senior?" 
so worth it. 
while all my friends are struggling with millions of text books, i literally only have one. 
my med english one. 
love it. 
love it all. 
so much fun:) :) :) 

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sweet nothings