Tuesday, August 16, 2011

best-facebook-taekwondo-road-tripping friends for ever and ever

once upon a time there was a little girl who got beat up in kindergarten. 
her daddy took immediate action and put her into club taekwondo lessons. 
he put her in lessons without any intentions of taking her out any time soon. 
years and years AND years after, this little girl, named ali, started to love it and be somewhat good. 
eventually, thanks to some crazy man who was determined to ruin her life, 
ali had to leave her first tkd studio and venture to find a new one. 
she ended up with these two ladies..

(no joke, that's really her...
no.. really.) 
eventually, one of them screwed us over.. and i had to yet, again, move studios. 
this time with a team.
when i showed up to this new place, i noticed this chick at the front of the line..(my spot usually) and i automatically did not like her. not one bit. 
the feeling was mutual tho. 
as soon as i walked into the back room, i gave my coach a glare that could kill. 
i hated him for making me move here. 
i hated that i had to now fight for my new spot.
and after our first class, 
i hated that she was in front of me cause she was older.
i hated her because her forms were BEAUTIFUL and our teacher commented on it. 
every 3 seconds.
i hated her.
and she hated me.
before too long,
we became besties :)
take  a look...
we have issues..

we took on vegas:) 

and haunted houses 


"anything can get done with big boobs."


color fest:) 

besties kick each other in the face before homecoming.
not a big deal
and now, she's leaving for the U!!! AHHH
basically, we're awesome ninja's who have an addiction to coffee.
go us:)
oh and britt, if you come home and we don't get together. i will kill you:) 

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sweet nothings