Monday, August 15, 2011


in the morning, everyone will be posting about how the thunder storm didn't let them sleep. 
or how about how much they love rain. 
 i on the other hand, will be blogging about how much i love utah and it's crazy weather:) 
i love how the past two nights, it's rained. 

the days are still hot as heck. 
although, looking outside my window scares the heck out of me, i simply adore it. 
so so so much:)
i'm here. in my room, listening to the best playlist ever complied in the history of man (actually more like the history of my life.. same thing really.), with thunder and rain in the back ground. 
one day, i WILL have one of these moments. mark my words folks 
Meeting in the Rain - Bratislava, Bratislavsky
except for this picture was taken in slovakia...
those slovakian boys aren't as cool as they sound...HA. but really. 
although, the city is gorgeous..
but yes. before i trail off too much, i'm calling it quits:) 
BBUUUUT i found out today that someone else reads my blog:) and that makes me SO happy:) yay for blog readers:) 
random thought of the night:
they should really have a BYU spain...or somewhere in europe:) 

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sweet nothings