1. i got my wisdom teeth out last week exactly.
i was sort of nervous going in. when they called me back i went alone, my mom offered to come with but i was fairly certain i'd be okay alone. but luckily she came back and just sat in the corner until they put me out. they gave me laughing gas and the first dose in my iv and i was out. when i woke up i remember asking my mom if my tongue was still there, she said no. i cried. then i told my mom it didn't even hurt getting my iv in, she told me they took all my front teeth out. i cried some more. then i came home and slept lots, then taylor came over and it gets kinda fuzzy there. basically it was a weekend full of cuddling, popsicles and movies.
2. the very next day was mine and tay's ANNIVERSARY. whaaaa??? true story. a whole year with the best boy out there. he came over with a giant box. inside i found this lovely number.
it's a photo album of the past year. there aren't tons of pictures in there but we are too caught up in having a blast than picture taking. but we are doing better!:) i cried a little. and a little more when i looked through it alone...
wait. there was more.
a big, orange box full of sexy.
the sickest pair of nike frees. boyfriend of the year? i think so.
we went to the host after and then the waffle truck. then we came home and fell asleep for a little. perfect day with the perfect boy.
3. a few days later i went and spent money. lots of it.
i got tay a really sick pair of sunglasses, a maxi, super cute knuckle rings you find on pinterest, an awesome pair of leggings, and the best face wash out there. i am officially a LUSH cosmetics fan. my pores have never been cleaner or smaller. thankfully, my skin is darker so i can sorta hide stuff a little more but if you really look, you'll see. but now i dare you to try to find my pores. i dare you.
au natural
no makeup. no nothin! i feel like a real girl now that i've discovered the true importance of toner. here's to summery, flawless skin!
4. today, taylor came over to look at my car because he's a doll and petunia has been having issues. #prayforpetunia lets hope she can make it. then because i'm a fat kid, i asked to go to lunch. guess where we ended up. CAFE RIO! clearly, my boyfriend is grand. it was packed so we called in our order and ventured off to savers to find a clock for his cabin. but i found this little beauty..
meet our newest addition to the taylor and ali collection. a legit ONESTEP Polariod camera. how sick??? i was in love. and for only 5 bucks? yes please. we had to get back around like one ish. somehow we got home with cafe rio, a clock, a camera, a leather jacket, purse and backpack all on a bike. oh, we also had drinks. it was quite the adventure.
also, taylor's bike rocks my socks off. i kinda love the whole lover with a bike thing.