Saturday, September 1, 2012

you should be dancing

today, i was abandoned.
kels decided that she was going to run on a college team and race on saturdays and leave me plan-less, 
taylor left for yellowstone (i think..maybe it was...some other park..i'm pretty sure it was yellowstone..) 
and everyone else was doing post-race stuff..gotta love cross season..
but luckily britt britt was in town :) 
so spent our entire day at

this epic zumba convention party marathon thing.
we put in a 12 hour day of signing people in. 
it was lovely.

let me tell you, zumba isn't a hobby.
zumba is a life style.
a lot of these women eat, sleep and breathe zumba. 
and they all have ROCKIN bods. 

i think i wanna be one of those cute old ladies or cute mommies who's job is to go teach a few hours of zumba..:)

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sweet nothings