Tuesday, April 5, 2011

fortune cookies...

so about a month ago, i went out to dinner with the fam bam
and i got the weirdes fortune in my cookie.
and for some strange reason, i decided to keep it.
and it went a little like this...
"good things are coming to you in a month.."
i thought i'd calandar this and see if it was true.
today is that day:)
and with the way the day started, i was POSITIVE that there was no way my day could turn around.
pretty much, after SEVEN weeks of a high school relationship, it came to a screeching end.
high school isn't ment for relationships. at all. and i've come to learn that. through the trail and error process..
crying in class isn't worth it.
getting a text like "um..ok. we can break up"  isn't worth it.
not being able to flirt around, isn't worth it.
all th drama involved IS NOT WORTH IT.
it was a fun run:) no regrets. but high school isn't ment for relationships.. at all. and i think i've learned my lesson.
boys have cooties.
something amazing did come from all this.
i have the best friends any high school girl could ever ask for.
like ever.
first off, after first, and the first half of my melt down, kennedy storey came up the stairs and just gave me a hug.
then asked if i was okay. then it started all over again.
ha but then we had the best conversation over text.
and she is simply amazing.
then twinnies came up and it only got worse. but then once i really was in control, we went out for coffee and not coffee:) and life was awesome. i love those two.
janet and emmy are ballers. we all went and wrote prayers and it was just fun to know that no matter what happenes, they're gonna be there and we'll have fun doing the most random stuff ever.
if someone can tell something's wrong from like 3 texts, yeah. they're keepers. kelsey carlson, you are the bestest. PS. we have to go to seminary tomorrow.. i promised Jesse we would...:)
anna free, karri mcintire, laurrrey edholm, coach c and everyone else who made it possible for me to get through today, thanks:) i love you all and i'm truly blessed to have you all in my life.
i guess fortune cookies really know what they're talking about!
today was good:)
Day 12: another picture of you and your friends
best team right here.


  1. I am glad you have such a good perspective on life. I'm sure you will take what you learned from this relationship into your next relationship. But hopefully that won't be until after you graduate! :)

    So does that mean no Prom? Or do you think there's a chance you'll go with someone else? Or do you even want to think about that right now?

    I will definitely try to come to your track meet! I'm guessing it's just at the BYU outdoor track?

  2. after i graduate:) yes.
    promm:/ ha i dunno. if i get asked, i'm going. i already know the dress i want and everything:) haha yeah..i'm not like super upset about it. like i think i'm okay, then randomly get bursts of emotional melt down and cry for a few minutes then i'm ok for the next little bit. ha but oh well..
    yeah the outdoor one. indoor season is way over aha

  3. Breaking up sucks. I felt the exact same way. And I have a resolution to avoid boys until I graduate too ;) And I would be 100% surprised if you didn't get asked to prom. Just saying. Love ya babe!

  4. haha sara!! i totally agree. those second graders who think boy have cooties are totally on to something here! hahah:) love ya too girl!! i miss you!


sweet nothings