Friday, March 11, 2011

who are you??!

so at school, we have student council stuff comin up. 
and there's this one spot, multi-cultural rep, that i REALLY want. 
like really really. 
and i think i'd be good at it too.. i mean i'm brown:) and i know a lot of people, and i'm involved with a lot of stuff. 
like track, cross country, LIA, AAC, honors and AP classes
like i kinda think i'd be good at it. just cause i think i could fit in with the kids who are running for next year. 
but, of course, there is ALWAYS someone who has to bite my moment. always. 
i mean that's they way things roll right? 
it wouldn't be student government (emphasis on the GOVERNMENT part. sheesh.. politics) without some trash talking. 
so my one friend who's running for SB artist, (well, i'm friends with both girls running. but that's not the point)
my one friend, yes. well she rides the bus with this other one kid, who shall remain nameless for the time being, he and his friend were gonna run against me, 
but he bailed. and decided that he was gonna run for SB VP. 
good luck bud.
anyways, he was talking to my one friend on the bus and was a total jerk. he went up to her and told her she wasn't gonna win. that she should give up pretty much. 
can you say RUDE????
can you say WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???
yes, indeedly, i can say all that. and if i would've been there, i prolly would have. 
but maybe if i was feeling really daring. 
otherwise i would have thought it. 
but after he was so rude to my friend, he then proceeded into something like 
not friend- "you know who i feel really bad for" 
friend- " who?..."
not friend kid- "Ali Sanchez."
friend- "why?"
not friend kid- "because the other girl running has like 99 percent chance that she's gonna be it. i mean she's  been in multicultural club since like sophomore year..."
like really? WHO ARE YOU??
pretty sure if you needed to voice something like that out there, you have issues. and clearly, you need to get over yourself. just saying. 
but i cannot wait till rep elections roll around. i'm gonna rock it. 
and it all seems to be working out perfectly. 
it gives me enough time to help nurse my college prep grade to health again:) 
oh i already love student council. 
OH YEAH. before i forget, 
day 8: a picture of something/ someone that has the biggest impact on you. 

yes. i realize how sick this picture is. but i don't care. simply, because it's the reality of a distance runner's life. 
bagels. bananas. and short shorts. 
yep. that's us.
running has made such a huge impact on my life. like without it, i'd be fat. and not very attractive ;) 
haahah joke! totally a joke. 
but it's gotten to the point where it hurts to not go running. like i feel sick if i don't go. and even sometimes taco bell smells disgusting and it upsets me.
and even though my feet are obviously not liking it, 
i love it. i don't wanna stop. 
despite falling arches. :P
i love running. 


  1. I hope you still go for student council! I ran for student council as sb artist, went up against the girl that everyone was sure would win (they even made the giant winning poster for her for the assembly and everything) and guess who won :) me! muah ha ha!

  2. well of course i am:) i can't let that kid have his moment:)
    bahah congrats:)


sweet nothings