there are just those days in life when you try to do everything in the world at the same time. and no surprise you fail. epically. haha much like today. the plan was to wake up early-ish and curl my hair. cause i FINALLY figured out a way to curl it without my head looking like a poof ball. i mean it only took me almost 17 years and 7 dollars. but no biggie. better late then never right? AAAAAND i think it might be one of the best 7 dollars i ever spent. (usually, money goes to food.. like taco tuesday.. and whatever looks decent at holiday. oh ya. and starbucks runs) but obviously, being me i woke up on time, and then slept in another 24 minutes to be exact.. oops.. hahah so i woke up half an hour late and got ready. this fine morning tho, i was all ready in time before my car pool got here. usually, i'm forever late getting down to the car. NOT today. woohoo:) go me. then cross country rolled around, and we were doing two's today. I. LOVE. TWO. HUNDREDS. AHHH. we were running 6. but being the cripple that i am, i could only run 4. or at least that's what coach said. i thought that i was gonna be awesome and try to run all 6. but after the second one, i wanted to die. my first one was awesome. the second and third eh. and my last one, i ran barefoot:) and it was the best. I. LOVE. RUNNING. BAREFOOT. AHHH. then i thought i'd try for a fifth, but my body quickly said no to that idea. oh well. PFFF. so that was kinda a fail..
then around 5 ish today i went to practice being the good little child that i am. there are two kids there that are training for nationals. but you have to place at qualifiers first.. i don't know for sure that they know this.. cause they way they're talking, you'd think they have a spot on the national team already.. but whatever. they're cool. i like em:) so we're starting conditioning training. oh baby. its been great fun. my body constantly reminds me that i'm not superman or anything. but last time i told a coach that, he told me that its when you're body feels like that and you push through all that and have at least one amazing, knock-out worthy kick, it's what makes champions. hmmm.. good thing we were doing speed today. yeahhhh. speed in taekwondo means hot, sweaty bodies all pushing themselves farther then and faster then they ever had before. it's great. you end up drenched. and that's the best thing ever when you train with all boys. yummy.
but on a much different note, we got our family pictures back and they're so cute:) gah. missy eyre is AMAZING!!! everyone. get dance pictures from her. she's so amazing!!! here are a few that I really LOVED
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[Playing it safe is the most popular way to fail]
this is my quote for the day:)
-ali |
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