bleh so for the past week i've had allergies and a cold. yeah it was great. i about wanted to die. if it wasn't my nose that was all sickly and runny, it was my eye balls. Or it was my throat. and if it wasn't either of those, it was my stress fracture and shin splint. blehh. easy to say that this week was not my week. usually i just have days like this, not this time. a. whole. week. so glad its over.
hm so i've come up with a new discovery. tkd and xc are not the same thing. at all. when i quit tkd due to dumb drama, i started xc like a day later. And i've been running just about every single day since. i even went to xc camp:) and the season has been pretty much amazing. go bruins:)
farrrrrrs:) |

second at bob firman:) |
second at SUU :)
jayvee:) |
xc cheerleaders?? what??
T-R-U-C-K! keep on truckin all the way!!!
state runner ups. yeah buddy. don'tcha wish you were a bruin? |
and i thought going back to tkd after um, 6 or so months wouldn't be all that hard. But it was. My first day back, i about died. Its not really the best feeling going from the top of one team to the noob of another. Everyone there is just so close-knit and its almost intimidating trying to break into that. But everyone was nice enough i guess. It's almost like the first day of high school all over again. You want the "cool kids" to like you but you don't wanna be fake. pretty much i miss my old team. if you'd look in the dictionary under "weird family team who beats each other" we were there:)
our verrry 1st tourney with both schools. pressssh |
this. this happened years before we even knew each other :) and of course, she prolly kicked by butt in forms and i took sparring. years later and we be besties. i love you britt! |
classic |
cutest thing ever. |
sexy time :)
only in tkd can you kick your friend in the face and hang out afterwards. i love you boys |

jew. jews know what they are going. shaked= beast
head hunters:) thats just how we roll |
hahah the best thing about all these pictures, it that they are all of our first tourney together. after about a month of training together and it was such a blast. |
idaho!! one weekend. 46051
360641641 bags. yes. we are teenage girls.
and yes. we trashed idaho:) |
vegas here we come:) US open |
pairs. Tony pretty much had the most amazing kicks ever. why did i get paired with the amazing kid? who knows |
lets be adventurous in vegas. suchi.. nast |
hello norway. |
we be weirdies
cute:) |
state champ:)
call us family:) |
Yeah. we've been through it all. And i mean it all. Broken bones, knock outs, international opens, road trips, deep talks with rob:), testings, locals, some of us even had things, and honestly, i'm sad to have us all leave and do our own thing..
So yes:) after my first tkd workout in month, i remember why i wanted to quit at one point, and why i didn't. So sore. So tired. And ready ferr endurance tomorrow morning. |
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