Sunday, December 4, 2011

now we wait..

ladies and gents, 
it's done. 
my college applications are sent. 
now all there is left to do is wait for the e-mail. 
secretly, i hope they still send out letters:) 
i think i'd have a harry potter moment.
ya know? when harry gets his letter from hagrid?
only hagrid will be my mail man. but it's whatever. 
 so meanwhile, i have a NEW checklist of stuff to do. 
1. Get out of crutches
2. not die on the icy roads
3. Try to get ready all THIS week too
(i got ready every SINGLE day last week..yay:) )
4. kiss lots of boys just kidding. haha cross country runner remember??
4. make up my med english grade AND my NC's 
mostly so when my parents get my report  card, i can show them how it's taken care of..
5. Stop eating my weight in yogurt every other day 
6. christmas shop for my besties:) 
7. stop spending hours on pinterest.
meanwhile, i'll share the pins that i LOVE
"I believe in pink..." Audrey Hepburn sign

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last but not least..

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come what may and love it:) even if it means waking up in the wee hours of the morning to get ready everyday

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