Thursday, October 27, 2011

we. are. fighting.

it's end of term my friends. and as if that wasn't stressful enough, me and the rest of the world are fighting.
it's funny to think that school is the least of my problems. i have an almost 4.0:)
if i can ace my medical english test TOMORROW (yes, teachers actually hate students and give them tests the LAST day of the term. it actually happens.) and my finincial lit lit test that is ALSO tomorrow, ANNND finish both of my cultural arts reports;
i will have a 4.0:)

maybe then BYU will decide that they love me and they'll let me in.
did i ever mention that?
i've made an official decicion about this crazy thing called college.
if and only if, i make it into BYU, i'll go there.
the more i thought about it, and the cooler it sounds :P's a PRIVATE university that is ranked all over the place, has an AMAZING xc team and i look pretty cute in blue...:)
i'll still apply to all 4 universities that i thought of before but if by the grace of God i make it into BYU, i'll be a coug...:)
BUT considering i just got my first not A in seminary, i might cry:(
dear brother tager, your test was stupid. even though i did pretty well on it, it was STUPID.
yes, i was gone for SCHOOL EXCUSED absences and i don't get credit?? what the french toast?? i'm pretty sure that the general athorities at some point in life said to get involved in high school..that requires missing class sometimes....BOOO!!
brother tager, we. are. fighting.
you and your stupid B+. 6. 6 freaking points away from an A-.
oh yeah, i also am fighting with Mrs. Molina. my LIA teacher. so i missed the first day we went to classes to go home cause of some unrelated issue, and i never got my actual assigned teacher. ever. it's been 2 weeks later, and still i'm bouncing back and forth between classes. it's ridic. totally ridic. so i missed another day for state cross meet, and again, she marked me absent and it's unexcused becuase she decided that. and well actually, it was school exuced.i hate you. so now, i have an NC with her, and today as i asked her about what classroom i'm assigned to, she took it as "mrs. molina, please take the next 3 minutes of my life and yell at me. tell me everything that is wrong with me in front of the entire class. oh, and while you're at it, PLEASE call the assistant principal and tell him what's up ya? that'd just make my DAY!"
being the amazing person that she is, she did JUST that! oh lovely.
yeah. i hate. you. i always have, but it's mutual. so whatever.
i just can't wait to tell you that i'm bailing out at the semester.
:) oops.
another thing i'm fighting with.
in general.
they all are dumbbbb.
in the perfect world, there would be a boy that was roughly 6'5, and kinda built. he'd have dark hair and light colored eyes. he'd love sports but not be rooted to the TV in any given season. (uness it was march madness, that is TOTALLY understandable.) he'd love to come running with me and know how to tell me that i'm being annoying without being mean. he'd also love the outdoors but love being inside too. we'd go rock climbing all the time and possibly rapelling down waterfalls too. he'd also be a return missionary with school on his mind once he got back instead of getting married.
but this is high school.
and you get stung along for stuff you did NOT sign up for, and you'd pretend that everything is hunky-dory.
boys are dumb.
i guess that's why missions are TWO whole years long, so all the weird can leave them and they'll be normal for us:)
oh did i mention that MVHS XC BOYS and GIRLS took state???:)

2011 State XC 16.JPG
fuzzy:( but that's us:) boys and girls. state champs baby!!!
oh and i'm selling flags:( please buy one from me:(
iannnd for black belt testing, i'm in need of soap for a serive progect. if anyone has bars of soap they are dying to get rid of, i'm your girl:)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

mother theresa

you know those days when being alive is just simply to difficult?
and going to class makes you wanna punch babies?? (heaven forbid we are in a nursery when that happens)
yes, well we decided that it was time for a personal day.
thorchez or sanley style:)
we made our way to Starbucks and got coffee.
we were FINALLY awake. thank goodness for caffeine.
then we got hungry so we went to mcdonalds and got breakfast:)
yay for dollar menu!!:)
then i needed to pee, but we couldn't walk back into mcdonalds cause that would be weird, so we ventured off to the library.
then we decided that we needed to go somewhere where we could truly enjoy our coffee that Starbucks made for us.
this is where we ended up..
the y.
when we got out of the car to enjoy the awesome view, karli stubbed her toe and instead of yelling profanities, she belted out "MOTHER THERESA!!!" at the top of her lungs.. so elle and i joined in the belting. we thought it would be refreshing to the ears of the BYU students.
we are hilarious in our own minds.
then out of nowhere,this hippie-granola man comes up to us and asks us if we were the ones yelling, and cautiously we said yes..
we weren't sure if he was gonna get mad or something but then out of nowhere
he cracked a smile and as we bursted out laughing because we were so embarrassed someone heard us, and this man thought it was great:)
then he left and told us to have a happy life:)
and that my friends, was the start of an awesome day:)
then we decided to venture off to dry canyon, and have deep talks on the hood of my car about the previous day that we spent with the coolest guys ever:) then once it started raining,we still had no intentions of moving. so we didn't. until we got bored and went on a nature hike:)
then we got burritos from tanner's house.. he has awesome green salsa.
then we went to the dollar store and bought matching ring pops because that's what best friends do:)
then we finished off the day at my house reading about kissing tips from cosmo..
memories are totally made when you're doing what you're not supposed to be:)
totally worth the 6 days of hark now:)

sweet nothings