this weekend when everyone ventured off to another day at school and it's rousing homecoming festivities, me and 43 other kids sat on a charter bus awaiting a rousing 6 hour trip to bosie idaho. why you may ask are 44 teenage kids willingly missing their senior/junior/sophomore homecomings???
well, for the seniors, we're either super duper dedicated to the well being of our team, or we didn't get asked cause boys are noobs.
we were headed to one of the most intense races of the season.
bob firman.
there were 11 states represented and well over 2,000 runners there.
pretty much, this race is a huge deal.
while we were on our warm up, these two boys ran by us and looked at our jerseys and said "you guys are mountain view...? like the famous one..?"
yes weird boys. we are the famous mountain view. jealous much?
then they kept on bugging us about our current team.
weirdos. but i guess it comes with the running shorts.
we ended up doing really well actually:)
we took third again:)
yay jay-vee girls!!:)
i'll post pictures once i get mine back and i'm not mooching time off my parent's..
the night before, as tradition calls for, we bought a goldfish. last year, coach's kid threw him into the lake we race around.. but we took better care of him this time!! he made it almost home..then he died...:( because TWO missionaries (or soon to be ones) didn't give xavier bjorn firman a blessing through the phone:(
but over all, i am SO glad i ended up racing. it was such an amazing race and trip. i heart my team:)
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