there is nothing better then getting the toes done at the best nail place ever with my mommy and texting the best friend, and then hitting up starbucks later. then swinging by and picking up sister and dad for a day of frantic last minute christmas shopping. nothing better<3
while i was getting my nails done, i was reading this one magazine. Utah Valley. it was last year's june one. it had the top 18 high school seniors that are most likely to change the world. wow. every single kid that was picked was nothing short from amazing. everything from AP scholars, sterling scholars, a few 35 ACT scores and all state's and student council members. WOW. there was this one girl from timpview who had already gone on like 4 foreign service projects. so while reading of all these amazing kids, i noticed that there was one latino kid. hm. there is something wrong with that. usually, i'm not the one to be arguing the "latino" perspective. the classic stereotype is that they don't care about anything, are in gangs and are scary. for a while i was really close minded and totally bought into it. in my head i was different. i was always in club taekwondo and i always did well in school and thanks to my mom, i lived at church. i wore nice clothes, and always had my hair done. in my world i was one of a kind and no one was like me. it was the scary mexicans.. them.. and then me and the rest of the world.. then i realized i wasn't like the rest of the world...i looked A LOT different.. i had dark hair, dark brown eyes, and a killer tan in the middle of january. hm.. i didn't totally belong there either.. but from a few bad experiences with them..i was totally turned off to the idea of even trying to mingle with the latinos..unless i was forced to. lucky my mommy taught me manners and i could hold my own..
when i was in 8th grade at lakeridge and they started this one thing called latinos in action.. it was weird but they got cool jackets and went on a ton of trips.. so i wanted to be one. there were a few requirements tho. you had to have good grades, keep up with those grades and things along those lines. when i was a freshman i got called down to the front office with a ton of other kids who i NEVER talked to.. except for janet and besser:) {who still to this day put up with me:)} but they told us that we were selected to be in the 08-09 LJHS LIA. hm, i was in.. cool jacket here i come. only thing tho, i forgot to figure who was going to be in my class. the same people that i thought i didn't relate to at all for the past forever and a half.. and honestly, i had no interest to get to know any of them.. but eventually i did. it slowly moved from "um.. i don't wanna even talk to you..." to "class mates" before you make any assumptions, these kids that i was so apprehensive about made just as big of an effort to get to know me as i did.. it was almost like a mutual dislike..
of course the older you get, and you all of a sudden get a new perspective on a lot of things.. in LIA we always talked about making people change their views about the latino culture.. thing is, i thought i was already doing my part. in fact i thought i was doing so much MORE then my fair share and i was slighty bugged when anyone mentioned that.. in my head i was just saying "talk to them.. they're the ones wearing ear rings.. and baggy pants... and not even trying to do anything productive. i'm fine. i have good grades, i don't get in trouble. ever. and i'm involved at school and out side.. so there." hmm.. thing is that everyone has this little thing called PERSONAL HISTORIES.. and because i had made NO effort whatsoever, i knew nothing about any of these kids.. hmmm.. my bad.. but the point was that not everyone has it as easy as i did.. or still do. i mean my life isn't a cake walk.. but i've been blessed to the point where i've had everything practiucally given to me..
BUT (again)
back to my original point, because i HAVE been so blessed and because i am so involved and what not, it's kinda up to kids like me to make sure that latino kids get into things like "Utah Valley's top 18 high school seniors most likely to change the world" ... "Because i have been given much... i too much give..." kinda one of those deals i figure. so i've decided, (well, truthfully, i decided this a few hours ago at the nail place...) i am going to be one of those kids. i am going to get the 5's on the AP tests...and be in student council (multi cultural reppp:)) and school teams AND club teams:) i'm going to do it.. i am after all... ALI FREAKING SANCHEZ...
of course the older you get, and you all of a sudden get a new perspective on a lot of things.. in LIA we always talked about making people change their views about the latino culture.. thing is, i thought i was already doing my part. in fact i thought i was doing so much MORE then my fair share and i was slighty bugged when anyone mentioned that.. in my head i was just saying "talk to them.. they're the ones wearing ear rings.. and baggy pants... and not even trying to do anything productive. i'm fine. i have good grades, i don't get in trouble. ever. and i'm involved at school and out side.. so there." hmm.. thing is that everyone has this little thing called PERSONAL HISTORIES.. and because i had made NO effort whatsoever, i knew nothing about any of these kids.. hmmm.. my bad.. but the point was that not everyone has it as easy as i did.. or still do. i mean my life isn't a cake walk.. but i've been blessed to the point where i've had everything practiucally given to me..
BUT (again)
back to my original point, because i HAVE been so blessed and because i am so involved and what not, it's kinda up to kids like me to make sure that latino kids get into things like "Utah Valley's top 18 high school seniors most likely to change the world" ... "Because i have been given much... i too much give..." kinda one of those deals i figure. so i've decided, (well, truthfully, i decided this a few hours ago at the nail place...) i am going to be one of those kids. i am going to get the 5's on the AP tests...and be in student council (multi cultural reppp:)) and school teams AND club teams:) i'm going to do it.. i am after all... ALI FREAKING SANCHEZ...
I love this post. Do it! You will be amazing at it. And inspire others to be amazing as well. :)