Monday, February 28, 2011

day two...

day two: the meaning behind your blog's name..
well... in all honesty, there is no deep meaning to my blog's name. 
it just came to me. like sometimes, things just work out perfectly. 
like the perfect coincidence :) 
and it's written in italian and french because well, 
i took french.. and even though i'm awful at french, i love it. 
one of these days, i'g gonna pick up and go to paris. :) 
and get an "i heart paris" tee shirt:) 
then it's also written in italian. and that one was just kinda random.
i've always wanted to learn italian and go visit somewhere with more italian influence then 
the olive garden.. but until blog's name and olive garden will suffice:) 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

blog challenge...two words. Bring. It.

so everyone in the world is doing a "facebook 30 day photo challenge." 
i've decided that i'm gonna tackle the "30 day blog challenge." 
hopefully, this forces me to blog more often then i usually do.:) 
but, lets be honest. it's gonna take more then 30 days. things never go as planned..
i've come to learn that pretty well, really recently. 
any who. here we go. 
day 1: a recent picture of you with 15 interesting facts. 
1. i'm 5'5.5. triple 5's baby 
2. for the past 11 years, i've done taekwondo 
3. i have an awkward love of college basketball 
4. when i blog, i listen to depressing music 
5. 4 of my fingers are double jointed 
6. imma bruin:) MVHS 
7. i still struggle telling time on analog clocks
8. i officially got insured 1 week ago, i'm 17 
9. i loooooove boots
10. i have the best boyfriend ever. 
11. i want to someday live in euorpe for a year
12. i sing strictly in the shower
13. i struggle with the easiest things
14. i go through about 3 tooth brushes a month 
15. i'm scared of big dogs i don't know

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simple realizations

I've come to a pretty simple realization recently..
I have it made.
I have quite the pair of parents who reguadles of what I do,love me:)
Like, they've gone through so much with me, and they still love me.
Yay for awesome parentals simply sucks. But,if I didn't have such great friends, there'd be no way on earth I'd make it through a day of high school. I don't wanna be dramatic or anything, cause high school really isn't as bad as the movies make it seem. Like kids don't get shoved inside their lockers, no one walks up to you and steals your lunch money, the football players don't torment any one person. All that's bull. But still. It gets brutal. Like personally, I hate walking to class alone. I will when I have to but I rather not. And on some days you just needa vent. Right then and there. And thanks to al my simply amazing amazing friends, I make it through every single day. Love you all.
Mahh cross country/ distance running team. Only these girls get why we run for an hour at a time and keep coming back. Why despite the shin splints and falling arches, we come back easy for another day full of it.
For the sake of keeping certain things private, I'll change his name. "Philip". Philip is one of the bestest people in my life right now. It's not like we've been life long friends that just now realized that they're Kent to be. Trust me. Nothing like that. Actually, our meeting is kinda recet but things click. And here we are today. Best boyfriend any girl could ask for.
Exactly what I need right now. Try telling him that though..:p. But simply perfect.
My old tkd team. We were legit. After state last year, all of the black belts were state champs in one or more things. We were boss. And with only two gis, everyone took care of us. It was almost like having 6 older brothers who you were sure would kill for you. And we'd do the same in a much as I mid this team, and trust me I do. A lot. I consider myft so lucky to have trained for so long with those kids. Er, I guess not so much kids. They taught me so much about everything. I simply love them. And even though we're not together anymore, I wouldn't trade where I'm at now.
I think I was finay able to see that everything happens for a reason
. And nothing is really ever left up to chance. I'm just so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. And I know i missed a million peole, but k know you've all made an impact in some way:)


Monday, February 21, 2011

uhmm.. are you talking to me...?

so yesterday, at church we had one of those lessons where you just don't want to listen to. 
maybe it was just me. 
but after hearing the same thing over and over again, you'd think we'd get the point. 
we all have a mission here. 
no one can do it better then we can. 
we are all children of our Heavenly Father. 
mmk. got it. 
normally, this all makes sense to me. it clicks and gives me warm fuzzies.
but lately, there's been something off... 
could it be that there somewhere is something more...? 
i know there's a God. 
i know he's out there... 
and listens to me. 
but he knows that we're all different right?
and if we're all different, then why is there only 1 true church for all 7 billion people on earth...?
could it be possible that all 7 billion people here have something in common? 
or are there other ways that we can acknowledge the Lord and have it be ok? 
there isn't a correct way to love, so is there a correct way to worship? 
i don't wanna come off like i doubt the church.. but i can't help think that the main reason i'm still in the church is because everyone else is... just kinda going with the flow. 
and usually, everything makes sense. i've had prayers answered. i've been comforted. i've found answers in the scriptures. i've seen the hand of the Lord in my life. but i can't help but wonder what all is out there...
i feel stuck in a mormon bubble.. and i wanna really see what i know. 
when i was little, my dad was crazy active in the church and then we moved and other things took priority.
i don't want to make it sound like my dad is some horrible person because he's not. he's the greatest daddy anyone could ever ask for. he's boss. i would never ever trade him. 
but if someone that was that strong into the church can fall away... is there something more?
the things that the church tells us are legit. 
like word of wisdom. 
don't drink. 
okay. you get fat, and do stupid things when you're drunk. 
don't chew.
mmk. that's just gross. 
don't do drugs. 
duh. that's illegal. 
and be modest. 
don't be a slut. 
mmk. all those make sense. 
but ugh. i feel like i'm trying to justify everything in a worldly way. 

 a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause,as godand the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

ok. so there is a God. i know that. 

New Age Religion. 
Bits and pieces of philosophical ideas all mushed into one thing called 'religion.' um no.. not for me. 

I dunno. i just wanna know that i'm mormon because it's the right thing for me. not because it's what my parents are. and what everyone around me is. and what's expected from me. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


usually, i hate that day. they make me want to hit small children. 
after a pretty awesome valentines day, i was in a pretty good mood...:)
and yes, my opinion of the day has officially changed.
so i was gonna head over to practice at like 6 like usual. but then jake texted me and was like hey.. you should come at 5 today:) 
and as much as i wanted, i couldn't :/
so i tried to get there at 6.. but i was late.. oh well. story of my life.
any who, practice was full of tears and bruises. ha. one of those days. 
i didn't cry tho. even when i get nailed in the hand. 
which now is purple. and fat. joy. 
but after practice i went outside with jake, and we talked for a little..
then he gave me flowers... on a tuesday:)...
better then any present anyone ever got. even on valentines day. 
12947347530985-234x 10 times better.
then.. he told me he was gonna get me a pillow pet:) 
then... he asked me to be his girlfriend... 
only thee best tuesday in the history of forever. 
top that. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

the day for morons...

yay. it's here.
valentines day. 
the one day a year everyone feels the need to go out and buy chocolate and roses for their special someone. 
all day today, randoms kept on coming into classes and handing out roses, and singing..
valentines day is the official day for morons. 
and as i was thinking about the lameness of valentines day, i remembered that last year i was in vegas. at a crazy intense tournament. with my best friend. and lover. 
it had potential to be amazing. and it was. except for that we got screwed in our pairs division.. and i got my butt handed to me in my first fight. and that on the actual day, i was driving home with the parents. who were brutally disappointed.
happy valentines day...
but then this year... it went a lot differently. 
i was home. and at school. 
and had a date lined up with a pretty awesome guy(: 
happy valentines day:) 
so pretty much... today has been SO amazing.. and i'm alright with being one of those morons on valentines day.. i mean hey, it's one day a year, right? :) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

feb. 14th.....

valentines day...
one word. 
so, i guess, a few words. 
any who, if you NEED a specific day to do something special for your special someone, 
you're kinda really lame and your relationship has some problems. 
just saying. 
i mean, why doesn't anyone get a dozen roses on like a tuesday???
huh? tuesdays suck anyways. 
i could use extra cheering up on tuesdays. 
couldn't everyone tho?
and the fact that every single station on TV has constant reruns of "the notebook" and "enchanted" and "titanic" and all those lovey gushy movies that everyone with a lover loves. but for the rest of the world it's just a constant reminder of how you don't have a lover to be all lovey with. there's an entire day dedicated to it. 
i'll let you know if my opinion changes any time soon...;)
then you have friends like this one girl i know, that have only the most PERFECT stories everrrrr. 
ok, so kenna, has a lover. and his name is josh... and they're both really cute little kids. 
like, it just melts my heart times 7. 
and they're not 16, so they're not like together or anything. but like they still hadn't had their first hug and they had liked each other for like forever and a half. it's WAY cute:)
anyways, kenna asked me what she should do cause she really wanted to give him a hug but didn't wanna make it awkward.. so being the awesome friend that i am, i told her to go for it:)
annnd she did....:) at her choir concert:) hafjlskhjkh!!
ahhh. cuuuute:)
finally over that awkward pre hugging stage...:)
kenna and josh... sittin in a tree...
kids these days...:)
buuuut, i mean getting flowers would make ANYONE'S day.. like mine:) 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


so today i went on a nice stroll around the city with two friends.. one of them drives like a crazy man. 
"red lights are only suggestions..."
"speed up!! it's yellow" 
and so forth 
we were... on state street, kinda by 8th and then we notice this creeper in his car just glaring at us.
and it's not the 'ooo do i know them'  look, 
it was the 'what. the. heck. only it was more intense then heck..
but any who, back to my story, 
this friend, that was driving has kinda a few anger issues...
more like road rage..
so  being the always courteous  driver that he is, he flipped the guy off
at first, hahahaha it was soo hilarious. this old man is freaking out at a car with three teenagers...
what the heck. get over it. everyone knows that teenage boys can't drive. 
then out of no where from like two lanes away, this jerk swerves into our lane, 
almost hitting us. like really? 
real mature. 
here i am, almost dying and laughing about it.. and friend in the back seat almost peed his pants laughing
even dear driver. we all found this really funny. 
then he kept on switching lanes, like for no apparent reason, and stopped in the middle of state street, in hopes that we'd rear end him? i dunoo. 
then we hit a red light. that isn't very optional. and the crazy old man is livid. he's yelling at us through his rear-view mirror and making awkward hand gestures.
no, correction.
really funny.
then out of no where this man jumps out of his car, and storms over to ours and is giving us a piece of his mind.. it was rather colorful. 
and i'm sitting shot gun, kinda laughing cause thus man obviously has some serious mental condition, but scared out of my mind because our windows aren't rolled up.. and if he's willing to jump out of his car, is he willing to floor it in reverse just to smash us into little bite size pieces of road???? or do something else???
all while my two dearest friends are laughing like someone just told the worlds best joke,  and asking the guy if he wants to go... 
 i love my friends. especially the ones i meet totally randomly. 
BUT, before the DMV gives licenses out left and right, they should do like some mental tests here, just saying. i mean i've done stupid stuff while driving, and i've gotten the finger a few times.. but never ever have i seen someone jump out of their car... 
crazy people should not be allowed on the streets.. they should have like a community bus or something
all in all.. fun night:) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

"In running there is no off season because running is not just a sport, its a lifestyle.

1.runner's high27 up2 down

1.Runner's Goggles7 thumbs up
condition that occurs when running for so long/far that the womenand/or men around you seem to be much more attractive then they actually are, most likely the result of dehydration, exhaustion, etc.
1.runner's block6 up1 down

a lack of will or reason to run. Often lasts weeks. Comparable to writer's block.
I only ran 2 miles tonight because I just can't get past my runner's block

Basically, i love urban dictionary. 
it sums up my life in a few simple definitions. 
Like the other day we did a speed workout and both jv and varsity finished together. so we went on our cool down together. and even when it's just a speed workout, when you're flooring it on the track for 200 meters 6 times with only a 30 second rest, you get tired. 
and then things get really funny. 
like on our cool down... we were all running butt slow and trying to hold a conversation about the upcoming indoor meet that we had. then jenn runs into a tree.. and she says "Oh! my.. tree?" 
hahahah that for some reason was the funniest thing ever. 
Another one is after speed, you get really bad cotton mouth. so when you're trying to get rid of it and there isn't water around, you spit.
hahahahah and usually, we have a mulan moment. 

story of my life almost. when it happens to me then it's not even cool. 
but with the other girls, its hilarious. 
Pretty much, my life is based around running shorts and tkd pants.. 

sweet nothings