Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 wrap up

so the first week of 2011 is done and almost over with. so far, it's been pretty fun. i'm excited to see how this year turns out.
but i figured, it'll only be appropriate to wrap up 2010. i would have done this a lot sooner but things just tend to get crazy when they're least expected to.  
Dear 2010,
you have brought a lot of amazing things and a few not so much. lets start with all the hectic-ness in january. US open registrations. once you click 'submit' you are fighting in one of the more intense tournament in the world. it's kinda the real deal. and you also brought someone really kind of amazing too.
then february, you actually brought US open. almost a week in vegas with the worlds most horrid  coach, two of my best friends and no parents. funnest trip ever. or at least one of..
march... march madness:) gah. at this point in time, i was completley head over heels in love with the kid who would text me ' hey love, :) i was wondering when march madness started.. i thought you might know...' in the middle of health class.. that month was color festival too.. fun fun times....
may.. the next most important month of the year. prom season. finals left and right. end of year parties. taekwondo. LIA camping trips.. it was one crazy month that brought on a roller coaster of emotions along with it.
i think that was one of my stupidest moments in life. ever. but, hey, we learn from those right?
summer.. and all those months that come along with them..
mostly it was summer college and cross country. it was one of the best summers ever.simply because i met some of the best people ever.
summer college...

xc camp
and somehow tons of taekwondo. everything happens for a reason. and i guess that's why i ended up at beyond tkd and no longer with rob.. somehow, it's all supposta work out right?
all in all, it was a pretty hectic year, and i loved it:) 
hopefully, this year is even better:) 

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