So i figured i should recap for the past few weeks.
Sadies, birthday, chirstmas, new years,st geezey, preference and all that good stuff:)
pretty much my date was AWESOME:)
gordon and i were the best looking cowboy and indian:)
me and gordon:) |
all the boys |
the lovely ladies |
can you say massive group?? |
Sadies was so much fun:) we had a race that morning so that was our day date:) then we had make your own cafe rio at the harmon's church for dinner:) super cheap and super fun:)
18th BIRTHDAY???? whaaaaaat???
first off i got kidnapped |
by these wonderful ladies :) plus ellie |
then we ended up at cafe rio for birthday cake:) |
then the tradish menchies birthday picture:) |
then somehow we ended up at walmart singing chirstmas carols to random people:)
then we all headed over to ellie's to have a belated sleepover |
then a few days later, me and twinnies went out for a late birthday lunch:) |
christmas with the fam is always quite the production:)
love every minute of it |
New Years
was pretty grand if i do say so myself:)
we went to a cross country party then we hit up Dally Lyman's new years party and that was way fun:)
bascially, i have high hopes for 2012 <3
Recruiting Trip
So kels was getting rectitude by dixie, so what better way to check out the campus then to take a road trip with the 4 coolest girls ever for 3 days??
me, kels, lauren and hannah all took on st geezey by ourselves:)
spaghetti at 3 am, hot tubing at midnight and playing spoons, spooning and cleaning spoons.
SO stoked for officially moving out:)
i'll post pictures once i get them :)
End Of Term.
GAH. so stressful. but somehow i pulled off 5 solid A's, an A- and a B that i'm determined to change:)
Oh ya, and i had a day less then everyone else to get everything done because my mom took me to salt lake on friday to get passport stuff done:)
Pre-Phase One AND Preference
i found my PERFECT dress for preference so i told my mom,and she promised to pick it up that day. But she didn't.So she goes back a WEEK later, and they only have SMALLS. Then i get a call during the middle of my private lesson (the one when i had to finish about a third of my requirements for testing the next morning...) from my dad telling me that they don't have my dress anymore..but that there is a a black one.. So naturally, i lost it. but before you think i'm an over dramatic monster, keep in mind that this was the day BEFORE the dance,and end of term week and testing week.
i started crying. lots. then once i finally got out of practice, at 9:30 pm, i went home and cried some more.
it was just a really emotionally unstable day.
then it hit me,i didn't have a flower, shoes or dress for the dance.
so i cried some more and then went to bed.
Black Belt Testing. Phase One.
Phase one is all the endurance stuff. All the sit ups, kicking and forms. I've been in a boot for the past 12 weeks. My endurance isn't exactly at it's peak, but somehow i managed to make it through an 8 hour day without crying:)
The second we bowed out,i ran for all my stuff so i could get home and shower for the dance that night :)
i get home and i'm locked out. So i had to find my parent's at dinner and steal a key then come home and shower. Then Brittany, my life saver pretty much, did my hair and make up:)
i looked amazing ALL thanks to her :)
When I got home, me and Haley went and picked up our dates.. only we were like 20 minutes late..oops. it was quite the start to a day full of late-ness.
our group had gotten together, fallen apart, made peace with each other and changed their minds about 6 times about the day date and dinner and pictures all before saturday.
we decided on having Haley's mom take our pictures at the Library..weird. but they turned out so good:)
We ended up being about 20 minutes late for dinner,then they took forever. Oh and the dance was out in saratoga springs.. so we only caught the last hour of the dance but it was okay:) it was still way fun:)
come what may and love it:) even if it's being 2 hours late for a dance..